Virginia & Truckee Combine No. 20

Virginia & Truckee Passenger-Smoker-Baggage car No. 20 was purchased in 1907 and is the newest acquisition for the Nevada State Railroad Museum. No. 20 was built by the Hicks Locomotive & Car Works of Chicago. It was the last passenger car the V&T purchased new and was used in a variety of services, including excursion service and regular service on mixed trains. V&T No. 20 is among nine surviving Hicks passenger cars in existence. No. 20 was last used on the V&T for a Reno Lion’s Club Special on August 2, 1947. Shortly thereafter, No. 20 was sold to Loew’s Inc., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer for $2,350. During it’s time with M-G-M, No. 20 appeared in films such as Cimarron, The Man Who Shot Liberty Vance, Cattle King, and others. M-G-M auctioned No. 20 to John D. Bentley of Pasadena, California, on May 14, 1970. No. 20 was later stored at and donated to Orange Empire Railway Museum (now Southern California Railway Museum) located in Perris, California in 1990. The Friends of the Nevada State Railroad Museum purchased No. 20 from the Southern California Railway Museum on December 10, 2024. No. 20 arrived at the Nevada State Railroad Museum on December 12, 2024.